2024: CRLC Year in Review This year, Capital Region Language Center has been on the radio, in newspapers and TV news, sharing the many ways we strengthen our community through language instruction. From business workshops to school and library partnerships, to virtual...

2024 Word of the Month Roundup
A look at all our word of the month posts that were created this year! We shared these to our social media pages each month. Click each image to view larger and click through the gallery.Follow along on social media!

5 Reasons to Give the Gift of Gab
Contact our office at 518-729-5407 or info@crlcalbany.org to order!1. Surprise the person who has everything. If there is someone in your life who already has enough stuff, a gift of learning and experience is a great way to go.2. Prepare for the trip of a lifetime....

November 2024 Newsletter
Can you spot the languages? Chinese | English | French | German | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish | CatalanHello - in English, Arabic, Mandarin, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and ASL World Hello Day is on November 21st.SeƱora Gloria...

Japanese Culture & Etiquette Workshop at RPI Prepares Team to Travel for Semiconductor Partnership
At Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, we recently provided a customized Culture & Etiquette Workshop to prepare a team for travel to Japan. The trip is sponsored by University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research and Development in Semiconductors for...